me@tktl 09/06

CS Department's web magazine

Front page

Evimaria Terzi will be our first PhD on 2007

Organising an evaluation task for an evaluation contest


Previous issues


Organising an evaluation task for an evaluation contest

Evaluation is an important component of the information retrieval field and other areas of computer science. However, organised evaluation campaigns require massive amount of work in planning suitable evaluation tasks, gathering evaluation data, such as test sets and possible ground truths for each evaluation task, running the participating algorithms, and analysing the results...

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Evimaria Terzi will be our first PhD on 2007

Evimaria Terzi defended her doctoral thesis, Problems and Algorithms for Sequence Segmentations, on 18 December, but she will not officially graduate until after the New Year....


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Towards new challenges. Professor Jukka Paakki quits as the Head of the Department in the end of 2006. In January, Jukka will start working as the Dean of the Faculty of Science. Professor Hannu Toivonen will be our new Department Head.

Department staff thanked Jukka with a card and a very, very heavy basket of Christmas flowers at the Christmas coffee.

me@tktl wishes Jukka and all the readers merry Christmas and good luck for the challenges of the New Year!

We are renovating me@tktl. Please send feedback and suggestions to!