The second Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering (WITMSE) will be held at the Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland. The workshop will cover hot topics at the intersection of statistics, information theory, machine learning, and their applications.
The workshop is intended to increase the cooperation between Tampere Graduate School in Information Science and Engineering (TISE), Helsinki Graduate School in Computer Science and Engineering (HECSE), and the Research Training Group - Statistical Modelling at the Technische Universität Dortmund.
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In addition to high-quality lectures, the summer school offers an inspiring learning environment and relaxed social program, including the Finnish sauna, in the middle of North Carelia region. Joensuu is located next to the Russian border and about 400 km North-East from the capital of the country. It is a vivid student city with over 6000 students in the University of Joensuu and 3500 in North Karelia Polytechnic. The European Forest Institute, The University and many other institutes and export enterprises such as Abloy, LiteonMobile and John Deere give Joensuu an international flavour.
The summer school is organized by the Department of Computer Science and Statistics, University of Joensuu, Finland ( The research areas of the department include speech and image processing, educational technology, color research, and psychology of programming.
The goal of the summer school is to give state-of-the-art knowledge on computational methods in the systems biology field. This includes both tutorial-type lectures on established methods as well as presentations on recent developments in the field. The program includes invited talks by internationally renowned scientists. The meeting also gives the students, speakers and local organizers a chance to interact in an informal atmosphere. The program also includes a student poster session and some recreational activities in Tampere.
More information can be found at the summer school's website.
The Cross-Border University's Summer School on Data Security and Structured Documents is held in Kuopio on 13-22 August 2007. The school offers three courses, each of which is worth 2 credit points.
"Elliptic Curve Cryptography" Lecturer Professor Loren Olson, University of Tromsö, Norway
"Fault tolerance and computer security" Lecturer Olli Vertanen, University of Kuopio, Finland
"Querying XML Documents and Data" Lecturer Pekka Kilpeläinen, University of Kuopio, Finland
The courses are suitable for Master's degree students in the 4th or 5th year of their studies and for postgraduate students. The Summer School is mainly intended for students from the universities participating in the CBU network, but also students from other universities may be accepted. More information can be found on
Registrations by 13 July, 2007, see the registration form on the web page.
The East Finland Graduate School in Computer Science and Engineering (ECSE) announces the 14th International Summer School in Novel Computing. This year the courses will be held at Lappeenranta University of Technology. The offered graduate-level courses are as follows:
See summer school web pages for more information about the course contents.
The courses are intended for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. There is no participation fee for ECSE students. Students from other graduate schools, or post-docs from other universities will be charged 100 Euros in cash because of the course material, social events, and other practical arrangements. Participation fee for representatives from the industry is 200 Euros in cash. Due to our limited resources, the organizers reserve the right to limit the number of participants to the courses.
All participants must register to the summer school by filling up the registration form by July 15, 2007. After Full-service registration has been closed, it is possible to register to the courses by July 30, 2007 if no additional services are required.
Registration has to be completed by July 15, 2007. You can also directly register to the ECSE Secretary. Registration will be closed on July 30, 2007.
The school is targeted at graduate students as well as post-doc researchers interested in algorithmic challenges raised by the demand for efficient management and analysis of various large-scale data sources. The focus is on fundamental algorithmic principles and techniques to cope with feasibility issues such as inefficiency of exact or online computation, and lack of main memory or even permanent storage space, when working on very large data sets. The School covers different algorithmic approaches motivated by these feasibility issues, including I/O-efficient algorithms and space-efficient index structures to deal with limited main memory, data stream algorithms to cope with time series data whose complete storage is not possible, and approximation algorithms for high-dimensional data.
The aim is to give the participants a good overview on the current topics in algorithmic data analysis research and an in-depth introduction to a few selected subareas.
For speakers, agenda and how to apply for the school, please see
This file was last modified on 03 May 2011.