Arto Wikla's List of Early Musicians' Home Pages
NO UPDATES SINCE 2015! This page is only history...
One link added 8.9.2015.
Updated 27.10.2012, previous updates: 29.3.2012, 26.4.2011, 25.2.2008
The links were checked Feb 25 2008.
All that were not working were deleted.
This list contains links to professionals as well as amateurs.
Mainly I have included personal pages, but there are also
some links to commercially created pages.
If you want to be added to the list (or deleted?), or want some
updates or corrections, please let me know:
wikla at
Aline d'Ambricourt, France-Denmark, harpsichord
Petra Aminoff, Finland, traverso, recorder
Philip Bayles, USA, conducting, composing, piano, harpsichord
David Bellugi, Italy, recorder
Tom Berghan, USA, lute
Christophe Bernard, France, lute
Kléber Besson, France, luthiste-théorbiste
Sophia Brumfitt, UK, soprano
Ben Byram-Wigfield, UK, counter-tenor, publisher
Andrew Byrne, Australia, lutes, theorbo, baroque guitar
Barbara Cadranel, USA, harpsichord
Diego Cantalupi, Italy, lute, theorbo, baroque guitar
Monica Cellio, USA, hammer dulcimer etc.
Agnethe Christensen, Denmark, mezzo-soprano
Luca Chiavinato, Italy, lutes, theorbo
Curtis Clark, USA, recorder, early music MIDI
Jerassimos Andreas Coidan, Greece, Belgium, harpsichord, organ
Wayne Cripps, USA, lute, tabulature typesetting
László Czidra, Hungary, recorder, directing, musicology
August Denhard, USA, theorbo
Bruce Dickey, Italy, Swizerland (&USA), cornetto, musicology
Elizabeth Dodd, UK, viol, renaissance and baroque dance
Carl Donsbach, USA, lute, viol, guitar, composition
Ed Durbrow, Japan, renaissance and baroque lute, baroque guitar
Jonathan Dunford, France, viola da gamba
Imma Einsingbach, Germany, singing, teaching singers
Lex Eisenhardt, Netherlands, early guitars
Per Kjetil Farstad, Norway, guitar, lute, musicology
Giorgio Ferraris, Italy, guitar, lute, theorbo, musical iconography
Jerry Fuller, USA, double bass, violone
Donatella Galletti, Italy, lute, theorbo, guitar
Jan Grüter, Germany, baroque lute, chitarrone, theorboe, baroque guitar
Alden Hackmann, USA, hurdy-gurdy
Aapo Häkkinen, Finland, harpsichord, clavichord
Vasily Ilisavsky, Russia, piano and fortepiano
Matteo Imbruno, Netherlands, organist
David Jarratt-Knock, UK, cornetto, trumpet
Lars Johannesson, Sweden, USA, baroque flute, flutes, festival managing
Sirkka-Liisa Kaakinen, Finland, violin
Assi Karttunen, Finland, harpsichord
Rob MacKillop, Scotland, lutes, theorbo, mandores, guitar
Susan King, Australia, lutes, harp
Joachim Klingenfuß, Germany, lutes, theorbo, vihuela
Henning Klocke, Germany, tenor
Nancy Knowles, USA, soprano
Anneliina Koskinen, Finland, soprano
David Lampson, USA, wind instruments, editing
Jeff Lee, USA, singing, lute, recorder, tabor pipe
Brad Leissa, USA, voice, recorder
Trudelies Leonhardt, Switzerland, fortepiano
Marc Lewon, Germany, lute, singing
Jakob Lindberg, Sweden, UK, lutes
- [another page:]
Jakob Lindberg, Sweden, UK, lutes
Markku Luolajan-Mikkola, Finland, viola da gamba, baroque cello
Felix Marangoni, Italy, organ, harpsicord and musicology
Massimo Marchese, Italy, lute, theorbo, vihuela
Angela Mariani, USA, medievel harp, radio producer
Federico Marincola, Italy, lute
Anssi Mattila, Finland, conducting, harpsichord
Todd Michel McComb, USA, music history, CD-lists, FAQ of r.m.e
Nicholas Milne, Amsterdam, viola da gamba
Elina Mustonen, Finland, harpsichord
Benjamin Narvey, France, lute, theorbo, baroque guitar
David Newman, USA, singing
Ercole Nisini, Italian in Germany, barock trombone
Karl Nyhlin, Sweden, lute, theorbo, guitar
Yoshiko and Hiromi Okamoto, Japan, recorder and harpshichord
Miguel de Olaso, Argentina, lute, baroque guitar
David van Ooijen, The Netherlands, lutes and guitars
Laurence Orlowski, France, soprano
Ibo Ortgies, Germany, musicologist
(organ building history, temperament, tuning and ensemble
intonation ...)
Kees Otten, Netherlands, recorder
Giorgio Pacchioni, Italy, recorder, ocarina, theory, composition
Brian Payne, Ireland, lute, vihuela, orpharion
Hille Perl, Germany, viola da gamba, lirone
Katherine Roberts Perl, USA, harpsichord
Kim Pineda, USA, transverse flute, recorder
Jean-Marie Poirier, France, lute and other early plucked strings
Jari S. Puhakka, Finland, traverso, recorder
Anthony Purnell, UK, recorders, windcap reeds, harpsichord,
lute and baroque guitar
Bob Purrenhage, USA, lute, viol, recorders, krummhorns,
dulcians, renaissance guitar, bagpipes, hurdy-gurdy, cittern, rackett
Annamari Pölhö, Finland, harpsichord
Elisabeth Reed, USA, baroque cello and viola da gamba
Juan Carlos Rivera, Spain, vihuela, theorbo, baroque quitar
György Róbert, Hungary, recorder
Timothy Roberts, UK, harpsichord, organ, fortepiano, clavichord
Salvatore Salvaggio, USA, classical guitar, 19th century guitar,
baroque guitar, cittern and renaissance/baroque lutes
Jordi Savall, Catalonia, viola da gamba, directing
Lynda Sayce, UK, lute, theorbo
Andreas Schlegel, Switzerland, lute, guitar
John Schneiderman, USA, lute, guitar
RAG Seely, Canada, lute
Rebecca Smith, Australia, harpsichord
Hopkinson Smith, Switzerland, (USA), vihuela, lute, theorbo,
renaissance and baroque guitars and baroque lute
Raphaella Smits, Belgium, classical guitar
Ulrich Sommerrock, Germany, lute
Conrad Steinmann, Switzerland, recorders
Annette Taranto, Sweden, singing
Oleg Timofeyev, USA, guitar, lute, musicology
Kiri Tollaksen, USA, trumpet, cornetto
Laurence Traiger, USA (working in Germany), viola, composer
Robert Trent, USA, guitar, lute
Gertraud Umlauft, Austria, music teaching, crumhorn
François Velde, USA (& France), history of opera, ...
Matthew Wadsworth, UK, lute
Frank Wallace, USA, renaissance lute, vihuela, baritone, composer
Joachim Walter, Germany, organist
David Warren Steel, USA, music history, directing
Kiran Wagle, USA, contradance
Jeremy West, UK, cornett
Arto Wikla, Finland, lutes, theorbo, chitarrino
Bernard Winsemius, Netherlands, organist and carillonneur
Jozef van Wissem, Netherlands, composer and player of
renaissance and baroque lute
"Xorys"(?), Canada, flutes, recorders
Markus Zahnhausen, Germany, recorder, composing
Sven Ĺberg, Sweden, lutes
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