Early music pages: instrument makers, researchers, museums, dealers,...
Updated 11.1.2011.
Previous update 5.11.2007.
Marcello Armand-Pilon, maker of renaissance and baroque lutes,
archlutes , theorboes and baroque guitars
Stephen Barber and Sandi Harris, a range of instruments of the
lute family, along with baroque guitars and vihuelas
Lawrence K. Brown, lutemaker
Gerhard Bos, lutemaker
Paolo Busato, lutes, etc.
Jirí Cepelák, lute maker
David van Edwards, lute and bow maker
Wolfgang Emmerich, lutemaker
Stephen Gottlieb, lute maker
Andreas v. Holst, lutemaker
Alexander Hopkins, luthier
Bernhard Kresse, 19th century guitars
Renatus Lechner, Lauten & Gitarrenbau
György Lörinczi, luthier
Ivo Magherini, lutemaker
James Marriage, lutes, archlutes, baroque guitars, chitarroni,
..., also affordable student instruments
Cezar Mateus, lute and vihuela maker
Charles Moller, lutes, hurdy gurdies
Sebastián Núńez & Verónica Estevez,
lutes, vihuelas, early guitars & harpsichords
Anna Radice,
plucked string instruments
Atrhur Robb,
musical instrument maker, lutes, guitars, Appalachian dulcimers,
hammered dulcimers, santurs, psalteries, aeolian harps
Martin Shepherd, lutemaker
Eric Stefanelli, facture de luths
George Stevens, maker of lutes, guitars and early harps
Grant Tomlinson, lutemaker
Giuseppe Tumiati, lutemaker
Oliver Wadsworth, early plucked instruments: members of the
lute family and early guitars
Matthias Wagner, lute and guitar making, string distribution
Southwell Guitars, 19th century guitars
Guitarworkshop Kurt Decorte,
restoration and conservation of original 19th century guitars
Lutes And Early Fretted Strings
sold by Lark In The Morning
Wayne's lutes for sale's page
Viols, violins, bows, etc.
Peter Hütmannsberger, viola da gamba maker
Charlie Olge, viola da gamba maker
David van Edwards, lute and bow maker
Catgut Acoustical Society,
application of scientific principles to the construction of
instruments in the violin family
Pierre Gheerardyn,
violins, alto's, cello's, gamba's, baroque violins and
baroque cello's, restoration of old stringed instruments.
René-William & Michel Groppe,
Renate Fink, viola da gamba maker
William Jurgenson, keyboard instrument maker, also
bows and basses and repairs and restorations of bowed
Lawrence K. Brown, violin maker
John Phillips Harpsichords
Keith Hill, instrument maker:
harpsichords, clavichords, violins, violas da gamba, fortepianos
Augusto Bonza:
Antichi Strumenti a Tastiera,
Early keyboard instruments
BAUSATZ-ZENTRALE fuer historische Musikinstrumente
Sebastián Núńez & Verónica Estevez,
lutes, vihuelas, early guitars & harpsichords
Steven Sorli,
Lautenwerk and harpsichords
Jan F.H. Kalsbeek,
harpsichord maker
Andrew Lagerquist, clavichords
William Horn, harpsichord maker
William Jurgenson, keyboard instrument maker, also
bows and basses and repairs and restorations of bowed
Woodwind etc.
The von Huene Workshop, makes, sells, and repairs historical
Prescott Workshop, copies of historical woodwinds
Christopher Monk Musical Instruments:
cornetts, lizarden, serpents, baroque oboes, three hole pipes
Flötenbau Thomas Fehr Stäfa
Andreas Glatt, baroque recorders, transverse flutes
Jan Hermans, historical woodwinds
Terry McGee, flutes for Irish, classical and early music
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