Then the keys 15, 14, 22, 12 and 9 are inserted. Draw a picture of the AVL-tree after these new insertions.
Finally the AVL-tree is considered as a normal binary search tree; The keys 203 and 21 are deleted by the remove-operation. Draw a picture of the tree after these deletions. (There are two ways to implement the remove; here we use the principle of "the maximum of left subtree".)
Is the tree anymore an AVL-tree after these deletions? If not, when and how did the AVL-feature disappeared?
(6 points)
public interface Hashable { public int hash(int sizeOfArray); }In open addressing, a linear probing is used. Program the following method.
Describe the details of the hashing as much as is needed to understand the implementation of the operation.
(6 points)
public interface Comparable { public int compareTo(Object anOther); }
The heap is implemented in sequential order to an array. Program the following operations of the heap.
(8 points)
(5 points)