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Veli Mäkinen, PhD, Professor
Department of Computer Science, P. O. Box 68, (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b), FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
Room: A240, Phone: +358 50 41 51 706, Email: First.Last(at)cs.helsinki.fi
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Selected publications
- Using Minimum Path Cover to Boost Dynamic Programming on DAGs: Co-Linear Chaining Extended. Accepted to RECOMB 2018 (subject to revisions, with Kuosmanen et al.)
- Computational Pan-Genomics: Status, Promises and Challenges. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2016. (with Marschall et al.) [Article online]
- Genome-Scale Algorithm Design: Biological Sequence Analysis in the Era of High-Throughput Sequencing. Cambridge University Press, 2015. (with Belazzougui, Cunial, Tomescu) [Book webpage]
- Explaining a Weighted DAG with Few Paths for Solving Genome-Guided Multi-assembly. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2015. (with Tomescu et al.)
- Fast In-Memory XPath Search using Compressed Indexes. Software Practice and Experience, 45(3):399-434, 2015. (with Arroyuelo et al.)
- Indexing Graphs for Path Queries with Applications in Genome Research. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 11(2):375-388, 2014. (with Sirén & Välimäki)
- Versatile succinct representations of the bidirectional Burrows-Wheeler transform. In Proc. ESA 2013. (with Belazzougui, Cunial, and Kärkkäinen)
- A Novel Min-Cost Flow Method for Estimating Transcript Expression with RNA-Seq. BMC Bioinformatics, 14(Suppl 5):S15 (10 April 2013). (with Tomescu, Kuosmanen, and Rizzi)
- Efficient Path Kernels for Reaction Function Prediction. In Proc. BIOINFORMATICS 2012. (with Heinonen, Välimäki, Rousu)
- Fast Scaffolding with Small Independent Mixed Integer Programs. Bioinformatics 27(23):3259-3265, 2011 (with Salmela, Välimäki, Ylinen, Ukkonen)
- Storage and Retrieval of Highly Repetitive Sequence Collections. Journal of Computational Biology 17(3):281-308, 2010 (with Navarro, Sirén, Välimäki)
- Filtering methods for content-based retrieval on indexed symbolic music databases. Information Retrieval, 13(1):1-21, 2010. (with Lemström & Mikkilä)
- Compressed Full-Text Indexes. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 39, No. 1, Article 2, 2007. (with Navarro)
- Compressed Representations of Sequences and Full-Text Indexes. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Article 20, May 2007. (with Ferragina & Manzini & Navarro)
- Combinatorial Approaches for Mass Spectra Recalibration. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,5(1):91-100, 2008. (with Böcker)
- Transposition Invariant String Matching, Journal of Algorithms, 56(2):124-153, 2005. (with Navarro & Ukkonen)
- Complete list here... and with citation information in google citations
Current activities
- Keynote talk at HiTSeq COSI track of ISMB/ECCB 2017.
- Guest editor for a special issue in Theory of Computing Systems on Combinatorial Algorithms.
- Director of Master's Programme in Computer Science.
See here.Some past activities
- PC member WABI 2017.
- PC member RECOMB 2017.
- Keynote talk at ECCB workshop on Computational Pan-Genomics.
- Co-chair of IWOCA 2016.
- Co-chair of theme DATA for ECCB 2016.
- Program review committee ISMB 2016.
- PC member RECOMB-seq and RECOMB-ccb 2016.
- PC member WABI 2016.
- PC member MFCS 2016.
- Invited talk at German Conference on Bioinformatics 2015.
- Associate Editor for BMC Bioinformatics (2013-2016)
- PC member RECOMB-CG 2015
- PC member WABI 2015
- PC member CPM 2015.
- PC member LATA 2015.