The adjacent_find algorithm given on the lectures (and the one in STL) requires forward iterators, because it violates the single-pass property of input iterators.
Write an algorithm that reverses the order of words in a text (but the words themselves are not reversed). A word is any string (even empty one) between space characters. The signature is
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T, class OutputIterator> void reverse_word_order(BidirectionalIterator begin, BidirectionalIterator end, OutputIterator result, const T& separator);
The separator is a generalization of the space character. For example:
string str("Are these words?"); reverse_word_order(str.begin(), str.end(), ostream_iterator<char>(cout, ""), ' '); // outputs "words? these Are"
Use find and copy algorithms, and the reverse_iterator adaptor as tools in your implementation.
Write an algorithm mid_point that gets an iterator range as an argument and returns an iterator to the middle of the range. To be precise, given [begin,end) it returns mid such that [begin,mid) has the same size or is one smaller than [mid,end). The algorithm should work with forward, bidirectional and random access iterators. For random access iterators, it should execute in constant time.
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