In response to FDIS ballot of ISO/IEC 15414 | ITU-T Recommendation X.911 Information Technology - Open Distributed Processing - Reference model - Enterprise language we recommend that Finland votes yes with the following comments on document ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 N2565. 1. References to "c-objects" need to be changed to read "community objects" throughout the document. 2. In clause 7.3.2 - par 2, bullets 2 and 3: meaning unclear because of broken sentence structure or extra words. - par 4, in bullet list: punctuation incorrect - throughout: replace "another some other" with "some other" and "another other" by "other" - par 4, last bullet, remove latter "two" 3. Clause 7.4 has lost a note telling that an alternative of introducing enterprise objects within the enterprise specification is to trust on a runtime/development tool environment with mechanisms to select and include enterprise objects. This note should be brought back. This note was not identical with note 2 in clause 7.2. 4. In the note of clause 7.5.2, and extra should be removed. 5. Throughout the document, the term "policy framework" is used but never defined. 6. Clause, note: domains in the action -> domains in which the action 7. Clause 7.10.2, second bullet: The wording "establishes the truth" was previously removed from the definition of declaration, and for the same reasons, the wording should be avoided here too. 8. Clause 8.2., par 3, line 3: replace "machines" by "computers", "computing systems" or "applications".