Data Communications Spring 2000 1. Exam 1.3.2000 1. a) The bandwidth of a copper cable is 3000 Hz. Its signal to noise ratio SNR is 30 dB. The BER of the channel is 10**-5. What is is the theoretical maximum data rate of the cable, when each signal component conveys 3 bits? Give the exact formulas used to calculate the maximum data rate of the channel. Give the answer as exact as you can without a calculator. (4p) b) How is pulse code modulation (PCM) functioning and where is it used? (2 p) 2 a) Explain in proper detail how the sender and the receiver behave when CRC checksum is used for the error detection of data transfer. (2 p) b) What is the Hamming distance? What effect does it have in the correction and detection of data transfer errors? (2 p) c) Is it possible that the receiver, in spite of the checksum, accepts a data frame as a correct one even when it is corrupted by many bit errors? Is it possible that, even using the checksum, one single bit error can cause a corrupted data frame to be accepted as a correct one. Give reasons for your answer. (2 p) 3. a) A link layer protocol uses selective repeat method to recover from errors. The aim is to recover from an error as fast as possible. So the receiver informs the sender as soon as possible about the problems it has noticed. The protocol uses acknowledge frames "cumulative ACK" and "NAK". The window size used is 5. Show how the data transfer proceeds and recovers from a situation where first the frame N is lost and after that also the acknowledgement for the arriving frame N+1.Your answer should show clearly the order of frame exchange between the sender and the receiver and the content of the buffers in each situation. (4 p) b) When the window size is 5 and selective repeat is used, is it enough to number the frames using numbers 0-7? Give reasons for your answer. (2 p) 4. a) Draw a picture of OSI Model layers. Describe shortly the main tasks of each OSI layer. (4 p) b) In which OSI layer is the MAC sublayer situated? What are the tasks of the MAC layer? (2p) LUCK AND SUCCESS TO YOUR EXAM!