
Find out the inspections of cars that have been accident victims


Acc_victim  car=registration_no Inspection
Inspection registration_no date_inspected period evaluation
  ABC123 2000-01-03 2000 OK
ABC123 1999-01-15 1999 OK
DFG456 2000-12-04 2000 FAIL
HIK123 2000-10-20 2000 OK
TOP111 2000-05-11 2000 OK

Acc_victim car driver year
  CEF234 Mike 2000
DFG456 Bill 2000
DFG456 Bill 2001
Relation Inspection is selected as the one to be scanned. There is no pair for the second rown (not the same registration number), so no rowns into the result.
RESULT registration_no date_inspected period evaluation car driver year


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