Basics in Databases (581328-9) - Autumn 2000

Set 2: tasks and their solutions

Note that there can also be other correct solutions to the different tasks that those presented here.
19. Which courses are not in schedule for this year. Give the name and the number.
     SELECT cNumber, cName
     FROM course
     WHERE cNumber not in 
           (SELECT csCourse
            FROM courseschedule
            WHERE csBeginDate > '1-JAN-2000');
20. Find out the names and numbers for courses that have or have had students that live in Vantaa. Sort the result based on the name of the course.
     SELECT cNumber, cName
     FROM course
     WHERE cNumber in 
           (SELECT stCourse
            FROM studying, student
            WHERE stStudent = sNumber and 
                  sCity = 'Vantaa' )
     ORDER BY cName;
21. Find out the names and numbers for courses that do not have or have not had students that live in Vantaa. Sort the result based on the name of the course.
     SELECT cNumber, cName
     FROM course
     WHERE cNumber not in
           (SELECT stCourse
            FROM studying, student
            WHERE stStudent = sNumber and 
                  sCity = 'Vantaa' )
     ORDER BY cName;
22. Find out the names and numbers for courses that have or have had only such students that live in Helsinki.
     SELECT cNumber, cName
     FROM course
     WHERE cNumber in (SELECT stCourse 
                       FROM studying, student 
                       WHERE stStudent = sNumber and 
                             sCity = 'Helsinki')
           cNumber not in (SELECT stCourse 
                           FROM studying, student
                           WHERE stStudent = sNumber and 
                           sCity <> 'Helsinki');
23. Find out the other specialities that teachers of Software engineering (SWENG) are able to teach. Include the identifier and name of the speciality in your answer.
     SELECT distinct spId, spName
     FROM speciality, teacherskills
     WHERE spId = tsSpeciality and tsSpeciality <> 'SWENG'
           and tsTeacher in (SELECT tsteacher 
                             FROM teacherskills 
                             WHERE tsSpeciality = 'SWENG');
24. How many teachers have been registed into the system. Give the answer as column CNT.
     SELECT count(*) AS CNT
     FROM teacher;
25. Teaching task are categorized by task type (tctask). How many types are in use. Give the answer as column TASKTYPES.
     SELECT count(distinct tcTask) AS TASKTYPES
     FROM teaching;
26. How many students study the course Network management that started on 10.1.2000. Give the answer as column STUDENTS.
     SELECT count(*) AS STUDENTS
     FROM studying, course
     WHERE stCourse = cNumber and 
           cName = 'Network management' and 
           stBeginDate = '10-JAN-2000';
27. How many students stydied somethig in spring 2000? Give the answer as column STUDENTS.
     SELECT count(distinct stStudent) AS STUDENTS
     FROM studying
     WHERE stBeginDate between '1-JAN-2000' and '30-JUN-2000';
28. Find out the minimum, maximun and average free for courses in columns LOW, HIGH and MID. Give the average as rounded to an integer.
     SELECT min(csFee) AS LOW, 
            max(csFee) AS HIGH, 
            round(avg(csFee)) AS MID
     FROM courseschedule;
29. Find out the number of students in the courses during spring 2000. Give the name, number and the starting date of each course. Give the number of students in a course in column STUDENTS.
     SELECT cNumber, cName, stBeginDate, 
            count(*) AS STUDENTS
     FROM course, studying
     WHERE cNumber = stCourse and 
       stBeginDate between '1-JAN-2000' and '30-JUN-2000'
     GROUP BY cNumber, cName, stBeginDate;
30. Find out the total number of credits achieved by each student. Give the name and number of the studtent. Give the credits in column CREDITS. It is enough to list those students that have achieved some credits. Sort the result by the name of student.
     SELECT sNumber, sLname, sFname, 
            sum(cCreditUnits) AS CREDITS
     FROM student, course, studying
     WHERE sNumber = stStudent and stCourse = cNumber 
           and stDatePassed is not null
     GROUP BY sNumber, sLname, sFname
     ORDER BY sLname, sFname;
31. Find out which course has the highest fee. Give the name of the course, its starting date and its fee.
     SELECT cName, csBeginDate, csFee
     FROM course, courseschedule
     WHERE cNumber = csCourse and 
           csFee = (SELECT max(csFee) 
                    FROM courseschedule);
32. What specialities offer more than 2 courses on different topics in this spring. Give the name of the speciality and the number of course topics. Give the number of topisc as column COURSES.
     SELECT spName, count(distinct csCourse) AS COURSES
     FROM speciality, courseschedule, suitability
     WHERE spId = suSpeciality and suCourse = csCourse 
           and csBeginDate > '1.1.2000'
     GROUP BY spName
     HAVING count(distinct csCourse) > 2;
33. Which speciality has the biggest amount of major students. Give the name of the speciality and the number of students. Give the number of students in column STUDENTS.
     SELECT spName, count(distinct sfStudent) as STUDENTS
     FROM speciality, studyfor
     WHERE spId = sfSpeciality and sfExtent = 'major'
     GROUP BY spName
     HAVING count(distinct sfStudent) >= all 
            (SELECT count(distsinct sfStudent) 
             FROM studyfor 
             WHERE sfExtent = 'major' 
             GROUP BY sfSpeciality);
34. Find out studets that have studied or have registered for less than two courses. Include also students that stydy nothing. Give the last and the first name of the students and the number of their courses. Give the number of courses as column COURSES. Sort the result by name.
     SELECT sLname, sFname, 
            count(distinct stCourse) AS COURSES
     FROM student, studying
     WHERE sNumber = stStudent
     GROUP BY sLname, sFname
     HAVING count(distinct stCourse) < 2
     SELECT sLname, sFname, 0
     FROM student
     WHERE sNumber not in (SELECT stStudent 
                           FROM studying)
     ORDER BY sLname, sFname;
35. Find out what is the difference in the course fee per credit unit between the most expensive and the least expensive one. Give the answer as column DIFF.
     SELECT round(max(csFee/cCreditUnits) - 
                  min(csFee/cCreditUnits)) AS DIFF
     FROM course, courseschedule
     WHERE cNumber = csCourse;
36. What is the profit of each course assuming that a lecture hour costs 600 FIM and a practise hour costs 300 FIM. Give the name of the course, its begin date and the profit (or loss). Give the profit as column PROFIT. Hint: Use a subquery in the from list. In Oracle this kind of subquery may not refer to the columns of the outer query. You need to include only those courses that have students.
     SELECT cName, csBeginDate, (res.stCount * csFee - 
            (600 * cLectureHours + 300 * cPracticeHours)) AS PROFIT
     FROM course, courseschedule, 
          (SELECT stCourse, stBeginDate, count(stStudent) AS stCount 
           FROM studying 
           GROUP BY stCourse, stBeginDate) res
     WHERE cNumber = csCourse and cNumber = res.stCourse 
           and csBeginDate = res.stBeginDate;