Deliverable task: Gardening company database in SQL

In deliverable task 1 you defined the keys and foreign keys for the relations of the gardening company database. Now, your task is to write the definition for this small database in SQL and send the answer to the course assistant.

The answer for deliverable task 1 will be published after the task's deadline. You may use this answer in constructing your solution. The stucture of the database (keys and foreign keys not marked) is below:

Gardener( GardenerID, Name)
Garden( GardenID, OwnerName, Location)
Section ( GardenID, SectionNumber, Soil, Dampness, Lighting,
   PositionInGarden, GardenerInCharge)
Reward( Year, Place, GardenerRewarded)
PlantType( TypeId, FinnishName, LatinName, Gategory, GrowingConditions,
   FlowerColor, BloomingTime, Comments)
Planting ( DateOfPlanting, PositionWithinSection, WayOfPlanting,
   Succesfulness, DateControlled, WhoPlanted, WhoControlled, PlantType,
   GardenID, SectionNumber)