LXXIX. Object property and method call overloading


The purpose of this extension is to allow overloading of object property access and method calls. Only one function is defined in this extension, overload() which takes the name of the class that should have this functionality enabled. The class named has to define appropriate methods if it wants to have this functionality: __get(), __set() and __call() respectively for getting/setting a property, or calling a method. This way overloading can be selective. Inside these handler functions the overloading is disabled so you can access object properties normally.


Varoitus! Tämä laajennus on EKSPERIMENTAALINEN. Tämän laajennuksen ominaisuudet, käyttäytyminen sekä funktioiden nimet ja parametrit voivat muuttua varoituksetta seuraavissa PHP:n versioissa.


Tämän laajennuksen asentaminen ei vaadi ylimääräisiä ohjelmakirjastoja.


In order to use these functions, you must compile PHP with the --enable-overload option. Starting with PHP 4.3.0 this extension is enabled by default. You can disable overload support with --disable--overload.

The windows version of PHP has built in support for this extension. You do not need to load any additional extension in order to use these functions.

Huomaa: Builtin support for overload is available with PHP 4.3.0.

Runtime Configuration

Tämä laajennus ei määrittele yhtäkään direktiiviä php.inissä.

Resource Types

Tämä laajennus ei määrittele yhtäkään resurssityyppiä.

Predefined Constants

Tämä laajennus ei määrittele yhtäkään uutta vakiota.


Some simple examples on using the overload() function:

Esimerkki 1. Overloading a PHP class


class OO {
$a = 111;
$elem = array('b' => 9, 'c' => 42);

// Callback method for getting a property
function __get($prop_name, &$prop_value)
        if (isset(
$this->elem[$prop_name])) {
$prop_value = $this->elem[$prop_name];
        } else {

// Callback method for setting a property
function __set($prop_name, $prop_value)
$this->elem[$prop_name] = $prop_value;

// Here we overload the OO object

$o = new OO;
"\$o->a: $o->a\n"; // print: $o->a:
echo "\$o->b: $o->b\n"; // print: $o->b: 9
echo "\$o->c: $o->c\n"; // print: $o->c: 42
echo "\$o->d: $o->d\n"; // print: $o->d:

// add a new item to the $elem array in OO
$o->x = 56;

// instantiate stdclass (it is built-in in PHP 4)
// $val is not overloaded!
$val = new stdclass;
$val->prop = 555;

// Set "a" to be an array with the $val object in it
// But __set() will put this in the $elem array
$o->a = array($val);



As this is an experimental extension, not all things work. There is no __call() support currently, you can only overload the get and set operations for properties. You cannot invoke the original overloading handlers of the class, and __set() only works to one level of property access.

overload -- Enable property and method call overloading for a class