
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0)

pg_convert --  Convert associative array value into suitable for SQL statement.


array pg_convert ( resource connection, string table_name, array assoc_array [, int options])

pg_convert() checks and converts the values in assoc_array into suitable values for use in a SQL statement. Precondition for pg_convert() is the existence of a table table_name which has at least as many columns as assoc_array has elements. The fieldnames as well as the fieldvalues in table_name must match the indices and values of assoc_array. Returns an array with the converted values on success, FALSE otherwise.


Varoitus! Tämä funktio on EKSPERIMENTAALINEN. Tämän funktion ominaisuudet, käyttäytyminen, parametrit ja nimi voi muuttua varoituksetta seuraavissa PHP:n versioissa.

See also pg_meta_data().