Conversion Filters

Like the string.* filters, the convert.* filters perform actions similar to their names. For more information on a given filter, refer to the manual page for the corresponding function.

Taulu K-2. Convert Filters

NamePHP Function equivalentSince VersionParameters
convert.base64-encode base64_encode() PHP 5.0.0 If parameters are provided as an associative array, convert.base64-encode will insert the value of $parameters['line-break-chars'] every $parameters['line-length'] characters of base64 output. This allow automatic formatting of encoded output otherwise achieved using chunk_split().
convert.base64-decode base64_decode() PHP 5.0.0None
convert.quoted-printable-encode None. This is the counterpart to quoted-printable-decode. PHP 5.0.0 line-break-chars and line-length are supported in the same manner as convert.base64-encode above. In addition, binary and force-encode-first are supported as boolean values which default to FALSE.
convert.quoted-printable-decode quoted_printable_decode() PHP 5.0.0 If line-break-chars were specified during the encoding process, they should be specified here again in order to be stripped out for a successful decode.