Software engineering, Spring 2002, Exercise 5 (18.2-23.2.)

  1. We will continue the development of the function point tool introduced in last week's exercises (task 4) Outline the class diagram to model the information contents of this system.

  2. Build a dependency matrix (use case / class & association) to check that the fuctionality of the system (use case model) and the information contents of the system are consistent.

    The matrix should have one row for each class or association, and one column for each use case. Use the following values in the elements of the matrix: C = use case creates an object or a link, D = use case deletes an object or a link, U = use case updates some attribute values of an object, R = Use case reads the information.).

  3. Let us consider the publishing process of a scientific periodical. Authors submit the editors abstracts as proposals for articles. Editors check the proposals and either reject them or request for the whole article for evaluation. A request specifies the deadline by which the article must be submitted. When the article arrives the editor may reject it or accept it for evaluation. If he accepts it, he informs the chief editor. The chief editor and the editor together select the referees (at least 2) and send them an evaluation request. If the referee agrees to take the job, he receives a copy of the article. Referees should prepare their statements before a given deadline. If the statement is not ready by the deadline, the chief editor defines a new deadline. If the statement will not arrive by this, a new referee is selected. Referees may pass the job. Then a new referee must be selected.

    When the chief editor has got at least two evaluation statements, he makes his decision about publishing the article. He may reject it, accept it or return it for corrections. The chief editor is entitled to accept a corrected version of an article without referee evaluation. If no decision is made within 6 months from the submission of the article the author is entitled to withdraw it. When the article is withdrawn the evaluation process is stopped. The author may refuse to do the corrections. In this case the article is also considered as withdrawn.

    Authors are given time to finalize their accepted articles. After receiving the finalized version, the chief editor makes the final decision about publishing (which volume and number).

    Draw a state diagram for the life cycle of an article.

  4. A bottle recycling machine consists of a control unit, bottle recognition unit, conveyer, counter, alarm unit, stop button, and receipt printer. Draw a class diagram for the control system of the machine.

  5. Draw a data flow diagram for the control function of the bottle recycling machine (levels 0 and 1)

Harri Laine, 13.2.2002