Software engineering, Spring 2002, Exercise 4 (11.2.-15.2.)

  1. Maintainability is considered as a software quality factor. Find out its constituents (identify at least 7 constituents).

  2. Reliability is another software quality factor. How is it defined? How is reliability measured? Hint: You may find material for this task in Pressman's book and of course from the Net.

  3. CMM classifies the software processes into five levels. What are these levels and what are the main criteria for each level.

  4. The requirements for a software may be devided into fuctional (what the software is supposed to do) and non-functional requirements. Non-functional requirements may consider performance, security, usability, reliability, maintainability, environment, etc. Last week's exercises had a task on a system for handling registrations for studies. Identify at least 7 non-functional requirements for this system and analyse your requirements according to the criteria placed for well defined requirements.

  5. Suppose your task is to develop a tool to assist function point analysis. This tool takes a file that contains a rough textual description of the system as its starting point. This text is used in the search for elements that produce function points. Searching elements need not be automatic. When an element is found it is classified. To assist classification the tool should provide a list of questions. The answers for these questions determine the class. An initial classification may be done without questions. The tools is assumed to provide all the functions needed in FP Analysis. The amount of writing should be minimized. FP Analysis of a large system may continue over several sessions.

    Identify the use cases for this system.

    Page contains slides of defining use cases.

Harri Laine, 3.10.2001