Software Engineering, Spring 1002, Exercises 2

  1. Extreme programming (XP) is one of the best known leightwave processes. Find out what kind of process it is, and how does it compare with the processes discussed in the course.

  2. Your project is suppopsed to build up a WWW-based system for the students of the University of Helsinki to register for their courses, to find out what courses they have already registered on and to cancel their registrations. Outline the work breakdown structure for this project. Use both process based and content bases partitioning. The goal is to obtain tasks of about 1 tp 2 man weeks. You may assume that the database for the system already exists.

  3. The original task is available in Finnish only and uses material in Finnish. Read material about the team roles (for example You may try to test yourself. A test (as pdf) may be found, for example, in

  4. Read chapter 6 of Pressman's book and examine the suplementary material checklist for risk analysis. Prepare to discuss about what kind of risks there are in a software process.

  5. Identify some risks for the registration system in task 2.

PS. There is suplementary material for Pressman's book in

Harri Laine, 23.1.2002