Introduction to Application Analysis and Design, Autumn 2002
Exercise 1 (7.11.)

  Reading material:
  • Maciaszek: Ch 1.1 upto (pages 1-9), 1.3 upto 1.3.7 (pages 15-20),

1. Let's consider the information processing related to an exam. This involves student's registration for the exam, production and delivery of the list of potential attendants to the teacher and to the department's office, evaluation of the tests and storing exam results in the result register that covers all exams. Let's assume that the result register is a closed system available only for a few authorized users (e.g. the personnel of departments' offices). The input of results may take place interactively one result at a time or by loading a computer file that contains the results of the exam.

There are many ways to carry out the processing outlined above. Some are more computerized than the others are. Outline three alternative workflows to process the exam information. Indicate the persons that are involved in the workflow, what they do and by which means (paper forms, computer forms, etc.)

2. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of your alternatives for task 1. Consider, for example, possibilities for errors, amount of work, skills needed, and equipment needed. Are some of the choices more suitable for exams with only a few student or do they suit well also for exams of a couple of hundreds of students.

3. Object oriented model of systems considers the systems to function relying on the co-operation of independent objects. Objects co-operate by using services of other objects. In this task we try to describe a (business)process as a co-operation of objects. Select one of your alternative workflows for task 1. Identify the objects involved in it and assign them services to establish the co-operation. You may select people and information systems as objects. People's services are tasks that they perform. You may think that an object uses a service of another object by issuing a request to the other object. There may be a form or any other kind of information (message) attached to the request.

4. Pizzeria Alfonso provides a pizza taxi service. No computers are used in processing the orders. Try to figure out what persons are involved in the delivery process (from placing the orders to registration of payment). and what tasks they carry out. Which tasks involve data processing? What kind of data processing?

5. We start developing a computerized information system for Alfonso's pizza taxi service. Identify the stakeholders for the system and their information needs. Consider also other stakeholders than the ones directly involved in the process. (Stakeholders consist of people, organizations or another information systems that use or provide data for the system.)

1.11.2002 Harri Laine