University of Helsinki
Department of Computer Science
©Harri Laine
Introduction to Applications Design
581327-6, autumn 2000

Exercise 5 (4.12-8.12.)

  Reading material:
  • Sari A. Laakso: Introduction to Application Design, User Interfaces, 1999 (for sale in room B435, Mon-Fri 12-13)

An additional class Class 5 in the university main building has been assigned for the exam. Students whose last name has the initials A-I should take this class, the others should take the original class Class 1 also in the university main building.

1. Please, fill the course feedback form in:

2. Plastic Lite software for drawing class diagrams is available in most MS-Windows installations in our department. It may also be loaded for use at home as described in tasks for exercise 2. Draw a small class diagram (at least two classes with attributes and an association with multiplicities) with this tool. What problems did you find in the usability of this software?.

3. How would you implement the input of
  1. a permission to use address in advertising
  2. a grade (rejected, approbatur, lubenter, non sine, cum laude, magna, eximia or laudatur),
  3. a month
  4. an outdoor temperature
  5. the name of a state
  6. the date ordered when registering the order
  7. the date of birth
Consider the choices when you may use all the common Windows controls and when you are restricted to the controls avaiable in HTML. Consider the benefits and drawbacks of your choices. Do not restrict yourself on the input field only, but consider also the header, the instructions and the initial values of the fields.

4. Outline the web user interface for registering exercise, exam and project work points. This user interface is intented for teachers as a part of the course bookkeeping system discussed in previous exercises.

5. Outline the web user interface for student's use cases in the course bookkeeping system.

29.11.2000 Harri Laine