University of Helsinki
Department of Computer Science
©Harri Laine
Introduction to Applications Design
581327-6, autumn 2000

Exercise 4 (27.11-1.12.)

  Reading material:
1. Use cases for course bookkeeping system were analyzed in task 5 of exercise 2. The use case specific information models for three of these use cases were constructed in task 5 exercise 3. Extent the information model (class diagram) of the use case 'register the number of home work tasks done by a student for a certain exercise' to cover the more general use case 'register points for a student' . This use case should make it possible to register also the exam points and the points for practical work projects.

2. Combine the information models of tasks 3.5 and 4.1 to accomplish a complete information model for the course bookkeeping system. Complete the obvious omissions of the model.

3. Draw a dependency matrix to show how the use cases of task 2.5 affect on the information contents of the system. Are there any use cases or classes missing. (The matrix should have rows for classes and associations, and columns for use cases. The following values should be used in columns: C=use case creates an object or association instance, D= use case deletes an object or association instance, U= use case updates some attribute values of an object, R= Use case reads the information.). Here is an example:

dependency matrix

Each class and association should have a use case for creating instances. Most classes usually have use cases for deleting instances and for modifying them.

4. The appendix contains a piece of a card playing program. Construct a class diagram to describe the structure of this program. (This kind of diagram building is called 'reverse engineering'. Normally you proceed from diagrams to program code).

5. Draw a sequence diagram to describe the cooperation of objects in providing the service Came.round of the example program of task 4.

22.11.2000 Harri Laine