University of Helsinki
Department of Computer Science
©Harri Laine
Introduction to Applications Design
581327-6, autumn 2000

Exercise 2 (13.11-1711.)

  Reading material:
1. Travel agency FarAway needs a system for marketing its products in WWW. Users should be able not only to view the information but also to make reservations on the trips and to post comments about their trips. Each tour will have a description. This description contains the usual material presented in travel agency brochures and the accommondation choices. Availability is also told. The customer gets a reservation number after making a reservation. The reservation is affirmed by phone or by letter, when the customer has payed the reservation charge. The customer gets the tickets after paying the whole trip.

Outline the context (system overview) diagram for the travel agency system. Think what kind of user groups the system has and which other systems may be connected the system. Consider also the services that establish the connection.

2. Course accounting system takes care of all the bookkeeping associated to a course. This includes bookkeeping of exercise and exam points as well as points credited from other tasks. The final goal of the accounting system is to produce the results for the register of studies (another system). The lecturer starts the bookkeeping by loading the student registrations from the registration system (another system). Update information about registrations may be loaded later on. The lecturer identifies the teachers that are allowed to use the bookkeeping and gives them the passwords.. Only authorized teachers are able to register data into the system. Grades are determined by the lecturer. In addition to the results for the register of studies the system produces statistics for the department's management and reports for the teachers. It also produces the list of results. A student should be able to check out registrations that concer him or her..

Identify the stakeholders and the most important connections between stakeholders and the system. Draw the context diagram..

3. Consider the services of the course accounting system as use cases. Draw the use case model of the system using the UML technique for use case modeling..

4. Consider the registration of homework tasks. Is there any reason to make separate use cases of the registration of tasks for the entire exercise group from the registration of tasks for a single student or should the former be considered just as a set of single student use cases. Describe the use cases (or the use case if you consider one to be enough).

5. Outline the exceptions and special cases for the use case(s) of task 4.

6. Describe the use case 'withdraw of money from an automatic teller machine' and the list exeptionn and special cases that differ from the usual procedure.

PS The student edition of Rational Rose may be copied from and Plastic Lite (only class diagrams) from the same directory as file plastic_1_1_lite.exe .

1.11.2000 Harri Laine