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Class kpalin.alabra.ChessMenuListener


public class ChessMenuListener
extends Object
implements ActionListener
This handles menuactions and controls gameplay.

Kimmo Palin

Variable Index

 o appBase
This is the on going chessgame which can be controled via menus.

Constructor Index

 o ChessMenuListener(AppForm)
Creates new ChessMenuListener.

Method Index

 o actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
Here we figure out what menuoption the user klicked and call proper handler.


 o appBase
 private AppForm appBase
This is the on going chessgame which can be controled via menus.


 o ChessMenuListener
 ChessMenuListener(AppForm ab)
Creates new ChessMenuListener.


 o actionPerformed
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Here we figure out what menuoption the user klicked and call proper handler.

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