
              8 bits                                    3          2                3                        16 bits
I                                                      I            I               I               I                                                                                    I
I    Instruction code      J       I    M    I           I  address part ADDR                         I
I-----------------   I -- - I-----I-----I----------------------------I

31                                              24 23                                     16 15                                                                               0

In symbolic machine language instructions are displayed in the following  form:


where  OPER    the symbolic name of the instruction
       Rj      the 1st operand (register R0..R7)
       M       addressing mode:
               =   direct operand
                   direct addressing (empty, is not entered)
               @   indirect addressing
       ADDR    address part (memory address or constant)
       Ri      possible index register (register R0..R7)

If one part of the instruction is not significant, it can be left out.
The instruction can be preceeded by a symbolic address as a reference, and
it must contain at least one character other than a number.
Legal characters are A-Z, 0-9 and _. Only the first 8 characters are significant.

The following forms are available for almost all instructions :

   OPER Rj,ADDR           direct memory addressing
   OPER Rj,Ri                    direct register addressing
   OPER Rj,=ADDR       immediate operand
   OPER Rj,@ADDR       indirect memory addressing
   OPER Rj,ADDR(Ri)    indexed addressing
   OPER Rj,=ADDR(Ri)   indexed immediate addressing
   OPER Rj,@ADDR(Ri)   indexed indirect memory addressing


   STORE           the 2nd operand is always destination address, it can't
                              be a register or a constant
   POP                  the 2nd operand must always be a register
   PUSHR           the 2nd operand is not significant
   POPR               the 2nd operand is not significant

   BRANCHING-         the 2nd operand is always destination address, it can't
   INSTRUCTIONS     be a constant. the 1st operand is not significant with
                                            instructions that examine the state register

   NOP             operands are not significant

            TTK-91 symbolic machine language instructions

Data transfer instructions:

LOAD               takes the value of the 2nd operand and makes it the new value of
                             register Rj.

STORE              stores an integer in register Rj as the value of the 2nd operand.
IN                        reads an integer to register Rj from a peripheral appointed in the 2nd
                             operand (from keyboard for example IN R1,=KBD)
OUT                   prints an integer from register Rj to the peripheral appointed in the
                             2nd operand (to screen for example OUT R1,=CRT)

Arithmetic ja logic instructions:

ADD               (add) add the value of the 2nd operand to the value in register Rj.
SUB                 (subtract) substract the value of the 2nd operand from the value
                           in register Rj.
MUL               (multiply) multiply the value in Rj by the the 2nd operand.
DIV                  (divide) divide the value in register Rj with the 2nd operand.
                           In division only the modulus is significant.
MOD                (modulo) divide the value in register Rj with the 2nd operand.
                           In division only the remainder is significant.

AND                 (boolean AND) logical AND-operation.
OR                    (boolean OR) logical OR-operation.
XOR                 (boolean XOR) logical exclusive OR-operation.
SHL                 (shift left) shift register Rj's bits left the amount stated in
                           the 2nd operand. Fill the right end with 0-bits.
SHR                  (shift right) like SHL, but shift right.

COMP             (compare) compares the value of the 1st operand to the value of the
                           2nd operand and sets the result of the comparison to the bits of
                          state register SR
                           L=less, E=equal, G=greater.

Branching instructions:

JUMP            (unconditional jump) unconditional jump to the target address
                          stated in the 2nd operand.

JNEG              (jump if negative) if Rj < 0, jump to the address stated in the
                          2nd operand, otherwise continue from the next instruction.
JZER                (jump if zero)         if Rj = 0
JPOS               (jump if positive)     if Rj > 0
JNNEG          (jump if not negative) if Rj >= 0
JNZER           (jump if not zero)     if Rj <> 0
JNPOS            (jump if not positive) if Rj <= 0

JLES              (jump if less) if the state register SR's bit L is set, jump to the
                         address stated in the 2nd operand, otherwise continue from the next
                          instruction (used with the COMP-instruction).
JEQU              (jump if equal)         if bit E is set
JGRE             (jump if greater)       if bit G is set
JNLES            (jump if not less)      if bit E or G is set
JNEQU           (jump if not equal)     if bit L or G is set
JNGRE           (jump if not greater)   if bit L or E is set

Stack instructions:

The first operand of the instruction, Rj, points to the cell on top of the stack.
Usually the register SP (ie R6) is used as stack pointer.

PUSH          Increase the value of stack pointer Rj by one and store the 2nd operand as
                      the top cell of the stack.
POP             Remove the top cell from stack and take it to the register stated in the
                     2nd operand (NOTICE: always a register).
                    Reduce the value of stack pointer Rj by one.

Subroutine instructions:

CALL         (call procedure) a subroutine call, ie transferring the control
                      to the address stated with the 2nd operand. Stores the return address
                       in stack, to which' top Rj is pointing.
EXIT            returns from a subroutine to the next instruction. The return address is
                      found from stack, to which' top Rj is pointing. The 2nd operand is the
                      number of the parameters transmitted in stack.

System calls:

SVC            (supervisor call) A call for a operanting system's service routine.
                    (system call). The first operand is the top of the stack Rj and the
                      second operand is the number of the service.

       Service numbers:

       HALT :   Ends program execution.
       TIME :    Gives the time. Addresses transmitted with stack, where
                          the hours, minutes and seconds are desired. (NOTICE: order!).
       DATE :    Gives the date. Addresses transmitted with stack, where
                            the day, month and year are desired. (NOTICE: order!).
       READ :      Reads an integer. Address transmitted with stack, where the
                            integer is desired to be read.
       WRITE:    Writes an integer. A printable value transmitted with stack.

     NOP    (no operation)

            TTK-91 machine language instruction codes

Instruction  Code       Decimal  Hexdecim.

   NOP       0000 0000     0        00

   STORE     0000 0001     1        01
   LOAD      0000 0010     2        02
   IN        0000 0011     3        03
   OUT       0000 0100     4        04

   ADD       0001 0001    17        11
   SUB       0001 0010    18        12
   MUL       0001 0011    19        13
   DIV       0001 0100    20        14
   MOD       0001 0101    21        15

   AND       0001 0110    22        16
   OR        0001 0111    23        17
   XOR       0001 1000    24        18
   SHL       0001 1001    25        19
   SHR       0001 1010    26        1A

   COMP      0001 1111    31        1F

   JUMP      0010 0000    32        20
   JNEG      0010 0001    33        21
   JZER      0010 0010    34        22
   JPOS      0010 0011    35        23
   JNNEG     0010 0100    36        24
   JNZER     0010 0101    37        25
   JNPOS     0010 0110    38        26

   JLES      0010 0111    39        27
   JEQU      0010 1000    40        28
   JGRE      0010 1001    41        29
   JNLES     0010 1010    42        2A
   JNEQU     0010 1011    43        2B
   JNGRE     0010 1100    44        2C

   CALL      0011 0001    49        31
   EXIT      0011 0010    50        32
   PUSH      0011 0011    51        33
   POP       0011 0100    52        34

   SVC       0111 0000   112        70
   IRET      0111 0001   113        71

          Compiler control instructions (fake instructions)

The compiler control instructions give instructions to the assembler's
compiler. They ARE NOT actual instructions of the assembler.

label EQU value

The equation instruction EQU defines an integer value to a symbolic label.
The label can be used in an instruction's ADDR-field, after which it will
be handled like a "value" typed in the same place.

label DC value

Memory allocation instruction DC (data constant) reserves one memory word
for a constant, equates the address of the allocated memory cell and the
symbolic address "label" and sets the number "value" as the contents of
the reserved memory cell. The label can be used in an instruction's ADDR-
field like a memory address.

label DS size

The data reservation instruction DS (data segment) allocates a memory block
which's size is "size" (as words) and equates the starting address of the
allocated memory cell and the symbolic address "label". Is used for
allocating space for global variables. A label can be used in an instruction's
ADDR-field like a memory address.