University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

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Computer Organization I, Spring 2000

This page may change every now and then. Please follow it every week.

o General

  • Course home page (in Finnish) is
  • Course description is
  • Additional course material is also in room A413.
  • Course newsgroup is hy.opiskelu.tktl.tito
  • Lecture notes (only in Finnish) and homeworks (also in English) are given WWW.
  • There is one exam worth 60 points of which you must get at least 30 points.
  • Participation to practice sessions is recomended. You can get maximum extra 6 points towards your grade from practice sessions.

  • Each normal homework problem is one HWP (homework points, or HTP in Finnish) and a more complex one 2 or more HWPs. About 40% of the maximum HWPs will give you one extra point toward your grade and about 90% will give you 6 extra points toward your grade. Extra points can be used only once, with the exam for the same lecture course during which you gained them.
  • Lectures and lecture notes are in Finnish. You can take this lecture class as a self study course by reading the associated reference material and participating in homework practice sessions.

  • Course bookkeeping is in the Web. If you do not want your data visible in these statistics, or there are some omissions, then please contact the instructor. The data is protected from search robots by including only the first 2 and 1 last letters from your last name and the first and last letters from your first name. E.g., name "Kerola Teemu" would become "KeaTu".

  • Course exam results and grading guidelines (in Finnish) will be visible here a few weeks after the exam has been graded. The correlation between exam results (koe) and done homeworks (htp) is shown in picture koe_vs_htp.pdf. o

  • The course material in English is contained in Chapters 1, 2, 5-7 and appendixes A and B in Tanenbaum's book [Tane99] and in the English material for the TTK-91 computer, its assembly language, and its KOKSI machine language simulator. You are supposed to be able to make small programs using the TTK-91 assembly language and run them in KOKSI.

o Lectures, Exam

Lectures 6.3-13.4. Mon 10:15-11:50 (Auditorio) Teemu Kerola
Thu 8:25-10:00 (Auditorio) Teemu Kerola
Practice 13.3-28.4. Mon 8-10 (C454) Raine Kauppinen Cancelled
sessions Mon 12-14 (C454) Raine Kauppinen
Tue 14-16 (C454) Teemu Kerola (in English)
Wed 14-16 (C474) Raine Kauppinen
Thu 14-16 (C454) Teemu Kerola
Thu 16-18 (A318) Lauri Alanko
Fri 10-12 (A516) Lauri Alanko
Fri 12-14 (B450) Lauri Alanko Cancelled
Exam 12.5.2000 Fri 10-14 (Porthania I)

o Contents and Schedule

o Literature and references

Teemu Kerola