Concurrent Programming, Autumn 2006, HW 6
These will be covered in practise session during the week 49, 5-8.12.2006.
There are no practice session on Independence Day (Wed 6.12.). Replacement session times are given in the course schedule page.
Problem 5 topic is discussed in Monday 4.12.2006 lecture.
- Redo problem 3 in homework set 4 with monitors.
- Solve the Dining Philosophers Problem with protected objects.
- Exercise 8.2 from text book. Why isn't Algorithm 8.5 good enough for this?
- Exercises 8.8 and 8.9 from text book.
- Exercise 9.5 from text book. Why doesn't algorithm 9.6 terminate?
Modify Algorithm 9.6 so that even with one or more worker process dying (at any phase) the result is still correct?
- Fill in the Student Feedback form.
In Question 11 (Your opinion on course material) discuss your opinion on using BACI-software in this course. Did using BACI support your learning? Was the time spent usefully? Was writing C-- programs difficult?
In Question 14 ("How would you like to develop the course?") dicuss your opinions on the projects. Did they support your learning? Was the time spent usefully?
Take copies of these answers to the practice session for dicussion.
Teemu Kerola 24.11.2006 14:19