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Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos

Ben-Ari Typos (not in Errata)

Send new typos to Teemu.kerola (at) cs.helsinki.fi, preferably in easy copy-paste format (examples below). Thank you.

p. 114, line: "freedeom" should be "freedom".

p. 144, line 7 (Alg. 6.21, SignalProcess): "if writers = 0 or delayedReaders > 0" should be "if writers = 0 and delayedReaders > 0". You should not signal readers unless there is some reader waiting.

p. 152, line 9 (Alg. 7.3, operation append): "append(v, buffer)" should be "append_buffer(v, buffer)". append() is monitor operation, and internal routine should have some (any) other name (for clarity).

p. 163, line 2: variable writing initial value should be 0.

p. 200, line 5 from bottom (Alg. 9.2, Client-server): "removenote('R', me, result)" should be "removenote('R', me=, result)". You want to receive get the answer for your request, not just any request.

p. 201, line 20 (Alg. 9.3, Specific service): "removenote('R', me, result)" should be "removenote('R', me=, result)". You want to receive get the answer for your request, not just any request.

p. 336, line 2 from bottom, "and remove m' from freeMen" should read "and add m' to freeMen". You want to return the poor guy m' back to bachelor status after w found m preferable.

Teemu Kerola 04.12.2007 9:33