Operating Systems II, Spring 2004, HW 3
This will be covered in practise session during the week 15 and 16 (6.4.2004 and 15.4.2004)
- Replacement algorithm
- Problem 8.3 from text book [Stal01, p. 385]
- What is special with this situation? What can you deduce from it?
- Problem 8.13 from text book
- What if Q was global, but dynamic. Give a similar mechanism for this
case. Compare it to the mechanism given in (a). When would it be better?
When worse?
- Clock-algorithm
- Which page would be replaced in situation in Fig. 8.16 (b)?
- When exactly is use-bit set and reset? (Fig 8.16)
- If modified bit is also use, when is that exactly set and reset? (Fig 8.18)
- How much variance is there in the gap between the hands in Fig. 8.23? Who varies it and how much? What does the gap value mean?
- How is the moving hand speed varied in Fig 8.23
or is it a constant?
What does moving hand speed mean?
- Cleaning policy
- What does Cleaning Policy really mean?
- Why is it not integrated with Replacement Policy? Advantages? Problems?
- Give an example on a situation where replacement is needed, but cleaning is not.
- What happens, if a reference occurs to a page while it is been cleaned?
- What happens, if a reference occurs to a page right after it has been cleaned?
- Linux. Linux memory management maps a conquous virtual memory area into
a contiquous block of physical frames.
- What is the gain with this approach?
- What problems does it cause?
- What are the biggest differences in
- W2K
- Linux
(If you were not at the lecture, check (e.g.) Ch 10.4, 11.5 [Tane01] for a little bit more thorough W2K and Linux VM presentation than that given in Ch 8 [Stal01])
Teemu Kerola 02.04.2004 18:12