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Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos

Using practice problems      [In English Sivu suomen kielellä]

Using Practice Problems in Learning

Use practice problems only once you feel that you know the material pretty well. They are intended to take a small sample on the course material and check how well you understand the basic topics.

The "Learning Power" in practice problems is insignificant if you try to use them as normal study material. These practice questions are purely self-study material. There is no data collected on their usage or on how you answer them. They do not affect your grade.

There are multiple choices for each question, and one or more of them is correct. Be honest to your self and think a little bit before giving your hopefully correct answer (one selection at a time). Of course, nothing will prevent you from going through after that all the other answers and their explanations. That is if fact recommended.

If you do not seem find correct answers right away, it is likely that you should study this topic more. The same applies, if you do not understand the explanations given. However, even if you do pick up all the correct answers, that does not yet quarantee a good result in the exam!

Teemu Kerola