
Animal and Fertilizer Farming

A semi-automatic double farm where one part farms animals and another part fertilizes plants. Their only connection is that both require an area with animals but the systems can be separated as well.

Animal side: Feed Station, Chronotyper, Grinder

Manure system: Sewer, Composter, Fertilizer

Various details about the structure:

A view into the Sewer

A sewers default range is 1x1 so placing an upgrade in it might be good. Placing another sewer on the collection radius of another sewer would apparently cause for pauses in production.

Sewage from Sewer is piped to the Composter.

Sewage doesn't need energy to work, merely the animals above it.

A view into the Composter

Composter is where Sewage turns into Industrial Fertilizer. It needs the Sewage and energy to work.

A view into the Fertilizer

Fertilizer will enhance the growth of plants in front of it. The default area is 3x3 but this can be changed with upgrades.

Fertilizer needs Fertilizing material (made by player or Composter) and energy to work.

A view into the Feed Station

You can place food in the Feed Station and it will then give it to the animals once they are ready to breed. It has a working radius of 5 blocks. The correct food item has be given to each different mob, wheat to cows and sheep, seeds to chicken and carrots to pigs.

You can pipe in the food.

An alternative for this structure is a Breeder from MineFactory Reloaded mod (same as Chronotyper and Grinder). The difference is the cost, a Feed Station requires 4 golden carrots while for a Breeder you need 2 golden carrots and 1 golden apple.

A view into the Chronotyper

Chronotyper is a machine that moves mobs from one side of the machine to the other. The player can choose if baby or adult mobs are moved. Another important "setting" is the direction in which the machine will move mobs. On one side of the machine the violet frame will pulse when the machine has power and this is the side from which it moves away the animals.

A general rule of thumb is that once placed a MineFactory Reloaded machine's active side is away from the player.

Here a chronotyper is used to move babies once they are created on the farm side to the meat side where they will grow up. I've placed a wall between the areas because animals happily get stuck inside fences.

The default area of a Chronotyper is the 5x5 area ahead of it and upgrades are not an alternativ.

A view into the Grinder

A Grinder slaughters adult mobs from an area of 5x5 infront of it. I've marked that area with bedrock in my picture. This area is harmless to baby animals and the player.

There is a wall between the farm area and the Grinder mostly so that baby animals moved to the Grinder-side wouldn't get stuck to a fence and therefore wouldn't ever walk to the 5x5 active area.

A Grinder has to have energy to work and a pipe out of the machine as it would get jammed if the droppings would remain inside.

Farming different animals

You can place different animals inside the same pens if you remember to provide them with the food they need or you can place other pens around the selfsame Grinder area.

Combining the animal/fertilizer farm to a tree/plant farm

A fertilizer farm produces Industrial Fertilizer which can be used to fertilize the tree/plant farm.

Just as well the energy from a tree farm can be used on animal/fertilizer farms and a plant farm can provide the Feed Station with food via piping and sorting.

See my tutorial on Tree Farm for more information.

Most of this info has been obtained from minecraft and