Peer-to-Peer Networks, Fall 2008
Teacher: Jussi Kangasharju
Time and location: Period II, Mon 10-12, Thu 14-16 in CK112
Teacher: Mikko Pervilä
Time and location: Tue 16-18 in C222, except 28.10. moved to 30.10. at 14-16 in D122
News and Announcements
- Note that the room has changed.
- Lecture on 30.10. moved to Tuesday 28.10. 16-18 because of traveling
Peer-to-peer technologies have become a key component for building large scale distributed systems. This course will introduce peer-to-peer systems, discuss their general properties, and the impact of the peer-to-peer principle on practical applications. The course will cover the following topics:
- Currently deployed peer-to-peer systems and how they work
- Distributed Hash Tables as a base for structured peer-to-peer systems
- Peer-to-peer storage systems and their performance evaluation
- Performance issues, legal aspects, and privacy issues
- Peer-to-peer content distribution algorithms
Knowledge about networking and distributed systems. Probabilities helpful. Ability to program in a higher-level scripting language (e.g., perl, python, ruby, ...) very helpful for exercises.Lecture videos
For the first few lectures there are no videos due to technical problems.
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: P2P Systems
- Chapter 3: Networks and DHTs
- Chapter 4: P2P Storage
- Chapter 5: Performance and reliability
- Chapter 6: Content distribution
- Chapter 7: Other issues
The exercises will start on Tuesday 28.10. when the first assignment is given out. Given the tight schedule of some of the exercises, we have made them all available in advance.
Exercises can be done in groups, as specified on the exercise sheets. Group work is not mandatory, so there is no enrollment for groups and you are allowed to change groups between exercises.
- Exercise 1: Introduction
- Exercise 2: BitTorrent
- Exercise 3: Distributed Hash Tables. Additional file is here
- Exercise 4: Reliability
Exercise results are available. (Requires CS account.)
Jussi Kangasharju Last modified: Fri May 30 09:21:58 EEST 2008