
Author: Kristian Ovaska (kristian.ovaska [at] helsinki.fi)
WWW: http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/hkovaska/wavdumper/
License: GNU General Public License
Current version: 0.5 (2003-11-13)

Wavdumper prints detailed information on the headers and structure of a WAV file. It is written in Python and has been tested on Python 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. In order to understand the output of Wavdumper for complex WAV files, it helps to be familiar with the WAV file format. See the References section for pointers.

Recognized chunk types: cue, data, disp, fact, fmt, junk, labl, ltxt, list, note, pad, plst, smpl

Wavdumper does not read actual sound data; it is for inspecting headers only. For programmers, try the wave module in the standard Python library instead.


zip files have Windows-style line endings, tar.gz files have Unix-style line endings.

Wavdumper 0.5: wavdumper-0.5.zip (15,958 bytes) / wavdumper-0.5.tar.gz (14,095 bytes)


From command line:

> wavdumper.py file1.wav [file2.wav ...]

or (wildcards work on Windows, too):

> wavdumper.py *.wav

As a Python module:

>>> import wavdumper
>>> wav = wavdumper.Wav('filename.wav')
>>> wav.printInfo()


>>> wav.printInfo(outfile) # print to custom file-like object

Release history

Version 0.5 (2003-11-13)



Example output

> wavdumper.py test1.wav

File: test1.wav (1910 bytes)
Chunk at pos 20: id = "fmt ", length = 16 bytes
  Format Chunk
  Data format: Uncompressed PCM
  Channels: 1
  Sample rate: 8800 Hz
  Average bytes per sec: 17600
  Block align (bytes): 2
  Bits per sample: 16
Chunk at pos 44: id = "data", length = 1760 bytes
  1760 bytes sample data
  880 samples
  0.100 seconds
Chunk at pos 1812: id = "smpl", length = 60 bytes
  Sampler Chunk
  Manufacturer: 0
  Product: 0
  MIDI note (60=middle-C): 69 (A-5) +- 0.0%
  Sample loop
    Loop ID: 0
    Type: forward
    Range: 0 - 879
    Repeat: infinity
Chunk at pos 1880: id = "LIST", length = 30 bytes
  List Chunk, id = "INFO"
  Chunk at pos 1892: id = "INAM", length = 17 bytes
    Name: 440 Hz sine wave


Contain overlapping information.

Page updated: 2005-12-06
Kristian Ovaska