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Printing with Here Documents

Printing with "here documents"

  • Unfortunately, much of what your CGI applications will be sending to the Web browser will include the double-quote mark. It becomes tedious, especially for long blocks of HTML code, to make print statements for every line of HTML and to escape every occurrence of a double-quote with a backslash. Consider the following table definition:

    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; 
    print "<TABLE BORDER = \"1\" CELLPADDING =
    \"2\" CELLSPACING = \"2\">"; 
    print "<TR>"; 
    print "<TD ALIGN = \"center\">Email</TD>"; 
    print "<TD ALIGN = \"center\"> <A HREF =
    print "</TR>"; 
    print "</TABLE>"; 

  • If any one of those backslashes are missing, the whole script breaks down. And this is a very small block of code!

  • One solution to the sending of large blocks of HTML code which incorporate the double-quote is to use the "here document" method of printing. The "here document" method tells Perl to print everything within a certain block of boundaried code. The "here document" uses the generic format:

    print <<[TEXT_BOUNDARY_MARKER]; 
    [Text to be printed] 

  • For example, this code will print out the basic HTML header:

    print <<end_of_html_header; 
    Content-type: text/html\n\n
    <TITLE>My Title</TITLE>

  • In short, the "here document" method of printing tells the Perl interpreter to print out everything it sees (print <<) from the print line until it finds the text boundary marker specified in the print line (end_of_html_header). The text boundary marker can be anything you like of course, but it is useful to make the flag descriptive.

  • Further, the ending flag must be "exactly" the same as the flag definition. Thus, the following code will fail because the final flag is not indented correctly:

    print <<"    end_of_header";

  • The final "end_of_header" tag should have been indented four spaces, but it was not indented at all.

Printing with Perl
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