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Formatting Control Structures

Formatting Control Structures

  • As a final note, it should be said that different programmers have different styles of representing statement blocks. Most programmers prefer to include the first curly brace ({) on the same line as the control statement using the following syntax:

    if ($number == 1) {
           print "The number is one";

  • Others prefer to include the curly brace ({) on the second line indented with the rest of the statement block as used throughout this section. To a certain degree, this is simply a matter of style. Perl does not care how you write your code so long as it is syntactically correct. Some say that it is easier to read the code if the curly braces are on their own lines. Others, especially those using the text editor EMACS, say that it is more efficient to include the first curly brace on the same line as the control statement. The debate will go on forever since there is no right answer.

  • Whichever style you choose is fine so long as you stick with it consistently.

Additional Resources:

Using logical operators (&& and ||)
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