Information extraction from text; Material

Lecture notes (also available in the course folder on the 4th floor)

  1. Lecture 31.1. [PostScript (6 slides/page)] [PowerPoint]

    Lecture based on the article: Grishman: Information Extraction: Techniques and Challenges (for download: see the links on the upper right corner).

    Sample of documents on terrorist attacks (MUC-4).

  2. Lecture 25.2. [PostScript (6 slides/page)] [PowerPoint]

  3. Lecture 26.2. [PostScript (6 slides/page)] [PowerPoint]

  4. Lecture 18.3. [PostScript (6 slides/page)] [PowerPoint]


Helena Ahonen-Myka
Last modified: Fri Jan 31 10:28:33 EET 2003