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Previous: Evaluating the cost function
Assuming the parameters are
and the approximation is of the form
(6.2) |
the terms of Equation (6.1) originating from the
can be written as
![$\displaystyle \operatorname{E}\left[ \log q(\boldsymbol{\theta}) - \log p(\bold...
... q(\theta_i) \right] - \operatorname{E}\left[ \log p(\theta_i) \right] \right).$](img353.gif) |
(6.3) |
In the case of Dirichlet distributions one
in the previous
equation must of course consist of a vector of parameters for the
single distribution.
There are two different kinds of parameters in
, those with
Gaussian distribution and those with a Dirichlet distribution. In the
Gaussian case the expectation
gives the
negative entropy of a Gaussian,
, as derived in Equation (A.5) of
Appendix A.
The expectation of
can also be evaluated using
the formulas of Appendix A. Assuming
(6.4) |
, the expectation becomes
![\begin{displaymath}\begin{split}C_p(\theta_i) &= \operatorname{E}\left[ - \log p...
...lde{m}\right] \exp(2\widetilde{v} - 2 \overline{v}) \end{split}\end{displaymath}](img361.gif) |
(6.5) |
where we have used the results of Equations (A.4) and
For Dirichlet distributed parameters, the procedure is similar. Let
us assume that the parameter
. Using the notation of
Appendix A, the negative entropy of the
Dirichlet distribution
, can be evaluated as in Equation (A.14)
to yield
![$\displaystyle C_q(\mathbf{c}) = \operatorname{E}\left[ \log q(\mathbf{c}) \righ...
...mathbf{c}}) - \sum_{i=1}^n (\hat{c}_i - 1) [\Psi(\hat{c}_i) - \Psi(\hat{c}_0)].$](img367.gif) |
(6.6) |
The special function required in these terms is
, where
is the gamma function.
The psi function
is also known as the digamma function and
it can be efficiently evaluated numerically for example using
techniques described in [4]. The term
is a normalising constant of the Dirichlet
distribution as defined in Appendix A.
The expectation of
can be evaluated similarly
![\begin{displaymath}\begin{split}C_p(\mathbf{c}) &= - \operatorname{E}\left[ \log...
...n (u^{(\mathbf{c})}_i - 1) [\Psi(c_i) - \Psi(c_0)]. \end{split}\end{displaymath}](img373.gif) |
(6.7) |
Next: The likelihood term
Up: Evaluating the cost function
Previous: Evaluating the cost function
Antti Honkela