Docbook DTD version 2.2.1 now ready
Docbook DTD version 2.2.1 now ready
terry@ruby.ora.com (Terry Allen)
24 Feb 1995 19:13:35 -0500
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
Posted to: comp.text.sgml
A new version of the Docbook DTD, version 2.2.1, is now available,
with documentation. For information on the Docbook DTD in general,
the Davenport Group Archive, and the Davenport group, see
The distribution for the new version of the DTD (except for the
Postscript version of the documentation) is in a shar file obtainable
from ftp.ora.com, as described below. Comments on infelicities and
failings of the documentation and the format of the distribution
are welcome.
*How to Get the DocBook DTD Online
The DocBook DTD and its documentation can be found online
in the Davenport archive (/pub/davenport/docbook) at ftp.ora.com
(, same as www.ora.com).
To retrieve the DTD and its documentation by WWW, fetch the files
at these URLs, save them to disk, and uncompress them, or in the
case of the .shar file, sh it (sh docbook.2.2.1.shar):
the documentation in SGML is included in the shar file.
Here is a sample session showing you how to retrieve the DTD
and its documentation by ftp:
% ftp ftp.ora.com
Connected to amber.ora.com.
220 amber FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Fri Apr 15 14:14:30 EDT 1994)
Name (ftp.ora.com:terry): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
Password: <-- type e-mail address
ftp> cd pub/davenport/docbook
The DocBook DTD and related ASCII files may be found in
a file named ``docbook.N.shar'', where N
is the current revision number:
ftp> get docbook.2.2.1.shar
The ``get'' command will put this ASCII shar file on your
system. You must later ``sh'' it on your system:
sh docbook.2.2.1.shar.
Most of these files also exist separately and may be ftp'd individually.
The DocBook documentation is in a compressed PostScript file:
ftp> binary
ftp> get docbook.ps.Z
This will put the binary files on your system. You must
uncompress the documentation before sending it to a PostScript
printer or viewer (.ps), or to an SGML browser (.sgm).
Terry Allen
Terry Allen (terry@ora.com)