Helsingin yliopisto Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos

Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos

Tietoa laitoksesta:


Guest lecture

Shinichi Morishita

University of Tokyo

Mining Multiple Genes and Environmental Factors

Date Friday May 8th 1998
Department of Computer Science
Teollisuuskatu 23 room A414 (4th floor)
Time 12 - 14


In molecular biology, some of the commonest disorders are believed to have some complex origins and to arise from the interactions of environmental factors with multiple genes. This group of multi-factorial disorders is difficult to analyze because of the complexity of the factors involved. In order to provide a clue to the solution of this problem, we propose to create small-size decision or regression trees to find multiple factors leading to a specific disease.

At the root node of the tree, we generate a statement on approximate locations of genes related to the disease. At the second level, we create tests on environmental factors that are usually expressed by ordinal attributes such as blood pressure and blood sugar level. We discuss the computational complexity of generating optimal trees. We then present a parallel algorithm that searches a nearly optimal solution and show performance results of the algorithm.

You are welcome

Heikki Mannila