Professori Basie von Solms pitää vierailuluennon tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitoksen salissa B649 tiistaina 3.10.1995 klo 13.00 alkaen aiheesta

WWW and the security issue


The talk will briefly explain what the WWW is all about, and how it works. Then the potential security problems for using the WWW for commercial purposes will be highlighted, followed by a discussion of presently available security solutions to address these problems. These solutions include reference to solutions like:
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • Secure Hypertext Transport Protocal (SHTTP)
  • The DCE-Web Project. Because most of these solutions are based on the concept of digital signatures, a brief overview of this concept will also be given.


    (HUOM: Paikka on siis uusi seminaarisalimme B649 ja vieraan kiireen vuoksi esitys alkaa tasan kello 13.00)