Prof. Thomas Ottmann (Freiburg) pitää vierailuluennon
torstaina 21. 9. 1995 klo 14:15 - 16 tietojenkäsittelytieteen
laitoksen salissa B450 (Teollisuuskatu 23, 4. krs) aiheesta
Authoring on the fly
We report about experience gained during the production of courseware for
teaching computer science at university level. Our interest is focussed on the
tools required for supporting potential authors of educational software.
We briefely sketch the traditional form of authoring in a team and the attempt
to transfer the paradigm of seperating form and content from paperbound
documents to multimedia documents. Then we describe a new way of authoring
called authoring on the fly. Here, we automatically convert a talk given
using the computer into the core of a multimedia document. As an electronic
substitute of the chalkboard we used the whiteboard of the Mbobe toolset.
The Mbone tools allowed us also to transfer the computer talk to remote
locations. Our software not only allows to record an Mbone session but
also synchronizes the whiteboard actions with the audio and video streams.
Furthermore, links between this part and text and animations can be
established. Though current tools for our approach are by no means perfect
we can demonstrate how lecturing in class, distance teaching, and authoring
of multimedia educational software may merge together in the future.
Esko Ukkonen