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On 172, 06 21, 2003 at 11:53:29 +0000, Henning P. Schmiedehausen wrote:
> Stephan von Krawczynski <skraw@ithnet.com> writes:
> >Do you really think it was _necessary_ to change the document format in =
> >about any W*rd version available? Do you? Not really.
> >Its all about creating problems for competitors and none about being kin=
d to
> >the own customer.
> >You don't find this kind of behaviour in GPL software.
> I'd consider "If it does not work with the new version of libfoo,
> please recompile" or "you need a newer blafoo tool to use this" or
> "your compiler isn't usable for application xxx" much worse.=20
> And _this_ is common for many open source projects.
> Reality Check: 99,9% of all computer users don't know what a compiler
> is but can open Word 6.x documents in WordXP.
If you want Windows, you know where to get it.
People please stop this useless thread !
Andrey Panin | Linux and UNIX system administrator
pazke@donpac.ru | PGP key: wwwkeys.pgp.net
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