Re: Troll Tech [was Re: Sco vs. IBM]

ismail (
Thu, 19 Jun 2003 20:13:41 +0300

On Thursday 19 June 2003 19:59, Larry McVoy wrote:
> These discussions always make me wonder if the open source crowd is ever
> going to realize it's reasonable to be friendly with commercial companies.
> Troll Tech is being nice. They have a nice product, they've created a
> business model that let's you have the product for free and ensures that
> they will be in business to support that product. That's a Good Thing,
> you benefit from that.
TT is just great. If all commercial companies are like that. Noone could
object commercialism in OSS. [1] GTK+ people are being cheap and go blame Qt
for being GPL. Now TT puts a great product there with great help system for
free so I would better shut up or put up.

> KDE is better but not better than Microsoft. Why?
> Because it takes a lot of effort to do all the grunt work and if that
> grunt work is behind the scenes in things like application to application
> communication, there is less incentive for people to work on it. The last
> Gnome interview I read was all about the icons. Icons are great if the
> underlying system works well. Otherwise they are just eye candy and
> suck people in for a while and then they give up.

Gnome is great for icons yeah. But KDE ( with -devs -apps ) are great. Not
ready for %90 of desktop out there but getting there. I suggest Gnome people
stop whining about Qt but creating a usable GTK+ file dialog at least.

[1] : Its nice of BitKeeper to provide CVS and SVN gateways. People should
appreciate it.

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