> You know what, you're a butt head. You know why? I ask you to
> take this report to a place where people can actually HELP you,
> yet you continue the thread _HERE_ where nobody who works on networking
> bugs even reads postings.
Dear Dave,
please calm down and take a look at the facts. I am _not_ paid for this, I am
_not_ hired by any distributor or big company. I am doing all this in my spare
time. I try to help as much as I can, but some things I can't. One of the
things I cannot do is subscribe to yet another mailing-list, I simply do not
have the time to do so. This is why sometimes (like in this case) I only can
throw a basic piece of information at people, hoping someone capable and
interested listens and takes a look.
You listened, I honour that. Though I would prefer not to be called names only
because I am no pro in this game but only an amateur. All I can do is give
hints, I am not the man to complain about others' work.
I hope you honour the difference.
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