Re: Can't mount an ext3 partition - why?

Brian Jackson (
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:16:05 -0500

devfs will do that, use devfsd to add those legacy device nodes to /dev.


On Tuesday 17 June 2003 09:24 am, Igor Krasnoselski wrote:
> Hello Herbert,
> HP> what does an fsck.ext3 -fpn on the unmounted filesystem report?
> I downloaded 2.4.21 sources, made "make oldconfig" and got a new
> kernel with the same behavior :(
> fsck.ext3 (e2fsck 1.27 8-Mar-2002)
> run all 5 passes with no error reports under an old kernel, but under
> new one it says:
> fsck.ext3: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/hdc1
> The superblock could not be read....
> etc.
> I get further into this, and I find that I have no /dev/hdc1 (and
> /dev/hdc, and /dev/hda too) at all! In place of them(?), I have
> /dev/discs/~disc0/disc
> /dev/discs/~disc0/part1
> /dev/discs/~disc0/part2
> /dev/discs/~disc0/part3
> /dev/discs/~disc1/disc
> /dev/discs/~disc1/part1
> e2fsck gets them as previous /dev/hd+ args and reports no errors.
> Is this a new feature since 2.4.18-3 kernel? Or maybe this all because
> I add something strange to my config, like "/dev filesystem" ?

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