Quick instructions:
Save in current dir, make executable
On X terminal:
./tstinter start # Two 400MB dd write loops
To stop:
./tstinter stop # stop the test
To clean files:
./tstinter clean # get rid of the files
Also try this
./tstinter startr # Two dd 400MB write loops + One dd 200MB read loop
Details and changelog are in script.
When specifying number of blocks (n) a starting point is the
amount of physical RAM / 5K. i.e. for 500MB RAM use 100K blocks
vmstat output every 30ms is interesting on all kernels!
# tstinter - a linux kernel interactivity test script
# This script invokes:
# - User selectable number of instances of dd each writing
# a large file. Time taken by dd is displayed in a xterm
# - Xterm lists temporary files used by dd every second
# - Xterm runs vmstat -n every 30ms
# - Optionl dd read loop of a 200MB file in a xterm
# What to look for
# Slowdown or stoppping of ls and vmstat xterms
# Mouse hangs
# Poor response on invoking terminal
# Time fluctuations of dd loops - especially of Real time
# Copyright: 2003 Michael Frank
# License: GPL Version 2
# Version: 0.2 16 June 2003
# Usage: ./tstinter FUNCTION [parameters]
# Usage when script is in $PATH: tstinter FUNCTION parameters
# start [i] [n] Start test with [i] invocations of dd writes
# of [n] 4K blocks
# when [i] is omitted, 2 instances are invoked
# [i] is limited to 10
# when [n] is omitted, 100K blocks (400MB) are used
# startr [i] [n] As above, but also invokes one dd read
# loop of a 200MB file
# end End test
# clean Cleanup test files $FILE*
# Examples:
# ./tstinter start Start the test with 2 instances of dd
# each writing 100K 4K blocks
# ./tstinter start 3 20000 Start the test with 3 instances of dd
# each writing 20000 blocks
# ./tstinter startr Start the test with 2 instances of dd
# each writing 100K 4K blocks and with
# and with one instance of dd reading a
# 200MB file
# ./tstinter stop Stop the test
# ./tstinter clean [-f/-i] Cleanup files written by dd
# Requirements:
# recent bash
# recent dd,killall,sleep,usleep,touch,X,xterm,vmstat
# Sufficient free disk space (1G for default invocation)
# Changes
# 0.1 Initial version
# 0.2
# - more security advise
# - for older dd use 4096 instead of 4K and 100000 instead of 100K
# - for older bash dont use ((x--))
# - replace uname loop with vmstat loop
# Known Bugs and Limitations
# [n] can't be specified on its own
# tstinter may fill up the disk and slow the system down to the
# point of unusability
# usage with PIO hardisk mode is not recommended
# Security:
# Save all files and exit all applications in case reset is
# required
# Should not be run as root
# Be sure that $TEMP/$FILE* does not match any valuable files
# Avoid setting i > 2 and if so increase i in small steps
# Optional configuration:
# Edit TEMP to a user writeable temporary directory if not set
if [ "$TEMP" = "" ]; then
# Edit FILE to another test file prefix as required
# Internal use
# For further invocation
# Execute function
case $1 in
# start test
start | startr)
# start vmstat loop
# start ls loop
sleep 5
if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
if ((i > 10)); then
echo Too many instances $i
exit 1
#invoke dd read loop
if [ "$1" = "startr" ]; then
$TSTINTER _xread 50K r
sleep 1
#invoke dd write loops
while (( i )); do
(( i-=1 ))
$TSTINTER _xwrite "$2" $i
sleep 1
# stop test
stop) killall ${0#${0%/*}/};;
# Cleanup files
clean) rm $2 $TEMPFILE*;;
# Functions below are for internal use and spawned by the above
# This method is used for ease of debug and test termination
# Loop timed dd read of $2 4K blocks from $TEMPFILE$3
# $TEMPFILE$3 is created first
if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
dd if=/dev/zero of=$TEMPFILE$3 bs=4096 count=$count
while (( 1 )); do
time dd if=$TEMPFILE$3 of=/dev/null bs=4096 count=$count &> /dev/null
# Read as above in a xterm
_xread) xterm -e $TSTINTER _read "$2" $3 &;;
# Loop timed dd write of $2 4096 blocks to file $3
if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
while (( 1 )); do
time dd if=/dev/zero of=$TEMPFILE$3 bs=4096 count=$count
# Write as above in a xterm
_xwrite) xterm -e $TSTINTER _write "$2" $3 &;;
# Start a xterm printing vmstat
_xtu) xterm -e $TSTINTER _xtu1&;;
# Loop vmstat -n with a short delay
while (( 1 )); do
((i += 1)); echo -n "$i "
vmstat -n
usleep 30000
_xtl) xterm -e $TSTINTER _xtl1&;;
# Loop ls -l $TEMPFILE with a delay
while (( 1 )); do
((i += 1)); echo "$i "
ls -l $TEMPFILE*
sleep 1
# Default
*) echo $TSTINTER bad function $*;;
# End of script
-- Powered by linux-2.5.71, compiled with gcc-2.95-3 because it's rock solidMy current linux related activities in rough order of priority: - Testing of Swsusp for 2.4 - Learning 2.5 kernel debugging with kgdb - it's in the -mm tree - Studying 2.5 serial and ide drivers, ACPI, S3
The 2.5 kernel could use your usage. More info on setting it up at http://www.codemonkey.org.uk/post-halloween-2.5.txt
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