Re: PROBLEM: 2.4.21 crashes hard running cdrecord in X.

Jan Knutar (
Mon, 16 Jun 2003 15:56:33 +0300

> The hard crash occurs only when magicdev is running. I tried turning
> off all my preferences for auto- mounting, running, and playing
> data/audio cds in my preferences, and voila! cdrecord works without
> a hiccup in X too.

Exactly the same experiences here, with 2 different motherboards and 2
different CD-RW drives, with various stock kernels since 2.4.9 or so.
Exactly the same resolution too, kill magicdev, and everything works

My machine would sometimes survive slightly longer, usually locking up
during fixating a disc. It would typically spit out massive amounts of
SCSI and IDE errors, while effectively locking up the machine for, what
at first was about 10 seconds at a time with a split second in an
unlocked state, but that would eventually worsen into a permanently
hard-locked state.

Curiously enough, doing hdparm -y /dev/hdb (the cd burner), during one
of those split second unlocked states, would usually save the system.
It became standard practice for me to have an xterm su'd, in focus and
ready with "hdparm -y /dev/hdb" in it, while wiggling the mouse to see
when the pointer would freeze, to hit enter when/if it unfroze again 8-)
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