Re: Build problems with Linux 2.5

Vincent Hanquez (
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 22:40:58 +0200

On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 01:26:33PM -0700, Jay Denebeim wrote:
> The problem I'm having seems to be related to modutils. When I make
> very many modules I can't install the system because depmod can't find
> symbols undery 2.4. However using nm I can see that those symbols are
> indeed defined. If I make a bare bones system and only have the two or
> three modules I need (I'm working with SCSI device drivers and need to
> unload/reload the modules) the depmod passes, but the modprobe fails with
> QM_MODULES: function unimplemented.

you have to install module-init-tools (0.9.12 latest)

(isn't it in the FAQ ?)

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