Re: [RFC] New system device API

Patrick Mochel (
Mon, 9 Jun 2003 14:15:20 -0700 (PDT)

> Okay, but you should keep "new" functions as similar to existing ones
> as possible. That means 3 parameters for suspend functions, and as
> similar semantics to existing callbacks as possible.

Did you read the earlier posts? They are similar, and simplified because
they don't need the level, since all suspend/resume is expected to happen
with interrupts disabled. The semantics are obvious, the deviation
trivial, and this thread a dead horse.

Please present a case in which that will not work and I will change the

> > So? A keyboard controller is not classified as a system device.
> Its not on pci, I guess it would end up as a system device...

Huh? Since when is everything that's not PCI a system device? Please read
the documentation, esp. WRT system and platform devices.



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