Latest runs by LTC Test

Stephanie Glass (
30 May 2003 11:14:11 -0500

LTC test has updated the 2.5 test runs on both the ltp and osdl site.

The actual pages are for the LTP site at:
or OSDL site at:

All new runs where done on either 2.5.69 or 2.5.70

Some recent examples from the matrix are:

2.5.70 dbgrinder/MySQL IBM 8-way, P3-7000Mhz,10G Ram, default kernel
config, Red Hat 8.0, 120 hours, completed successfully

2.5.69 DOTS/PostgreSQL IBM UP, P3-7000Mhz,3G Ram, default kernel
config, Red Hat 8.0, 96 hours, completed successfully

Stephanie Glass

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