Re: supermount

Con Kolivas (
Thu, 15 May 2003 01:04:23 +1000

On Wed, 14 May 2003 23:40, ismail donmez wrote:
> Yeah I wonder the same for some time . Is there a good reason not to
> include supermount in kernel?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Maciej Górnicki <>
> To:
> Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 18:30:02 +0200
> Subject: supermount
> Hello,
> Why supermount code is not included in kernel?
> It's maintained by Juan Jose Quintela from Mandrake...

Watch this space. There's some work happening with 2.4 bug testing with some
supermount development work and then 2.5 will follow soon enough. The current
version (call it a fork?) of 1.2.5 has a problem with filesystems that can
write the same file with different case (eg vfat writing file.c and File.c)
but can be found at the new sourceforge home:
A bugfix for that known bug should be available soon and then it will need
lots more testing...
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